I would like to start out by explaining “the seed” so that my answer will make sense to you. We know that there is a water, blood, and spirit witness. There is a seed that is relative to each one of these witnesses, or worlds, or dimensions. The seed relative to the water is the seed of plants, trees, and grasses. They reproduce after their kind. I’m sure that you can understand the natural perspective of the parable, but we know that Jesus was using parabolic speech to bring us into a spiritual revelation.
The seed relative to blood, or I could say, the physical dimension, is the sperm seed or blood seed. It reproduces after its kind. It is appointed for that seed to die. It is corruption. Sown in corruption raised in incorruption. The water seed is sown into the earth. The blood seed is sown into the earthen vessel (the woman) through the marriage relationship.
Now, in the dimension where we let the wheat and tare grow together for a season, if you pluck up the tare to soon you get some wheat with it, your first man Adam or your outer garment of iniquity is relative to the tare. God lets them grow together for a season allowing the wheat to get a good taproot (we know that this is the dispensation of grace). We daily deal with the tare nature by casting thoughts down and rebuking the carnal mind. Plucking them out, daily mortifying the deeds of the flesh. Taking up our cross daily, this is in the realm of blood, in the soul realm, and also in the realm of sanctification and transformation of mind. The inward man (relative to the wheat) is growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. Until the tares are all plucked out and you are walking in perfection in Christ and the old man and old natures are all swallowed up.
Let’s talk briefly about the spirit seed. It is sown into the woman in a different dimension; It’s the bride of Christ, which was made pure without spot, wrinkle, or blemish by the blood of Jesus Christ. The Bible says in 1 John 3 that it is that seed that remaineth in you that keepeth you from sin. It is that seed in the spirit realm that we are talking about. It is coming up in the tare of the outer man. The tare tries to choke out the wheat with its human reason of carnality, which is enmity with God. The Bible says light being formed in darkness, the darkness is that outer man; the light is the inner quickened spirit of Christ. We could also go to the scripture in the book of Revelation about the red dragon waiting to devour the child as soon as it was born. What we have to do is differentiate dimensions to answer questions in the mind of Christ. We have to be able to do this, if not, there will be many things that we will not understand about the Word of God. The Bible says that these things have to be spiritually discerned. I would like to say that this seed comes by entering into the secret chamber with our Lord Jesus Christ, (marriage relationship). I hope that these answers will help you to expand your thinking into the mind of Christ. The Bible says, “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus that thought in not robbery to be equal with God.” I could minister for hours on your questions and expound on the mysteries of God. We are the stewards of the mysteries of God. I pray that this will open up a mind of understanding that will answer the question by revelation; the Bible tells us to pray that God would grant unto you the spirit of revelation.
God bless, Pastor Rob Coones
Additional teachings on this subject from Pastor Rob Coones are available. For more information, please contact us.