This question sounds easy to answer and truly it is, on the surface, but when you dig into the perplexities of it, then it is another story altogether. In the natural dimension a child may ask a mother that is carrying a child. “Where did my baby brother come from?” It is as simple as the mother saying, “It is from God.” Or she can explain a little deeper for the older child, and say your father and I had a marriage relationship. The seed passed from your father’s loins, and I conceived a child. On the other hand, there are many couples that go through the motions of the relationship and never conceive. It may be that the womb is barren or there’s no power of life in the seed. So, looking into the natural realm, we understand the spiritual realm. I would not want to make the simple things of God complicated, but there are many multiplied thousands of people that believe that they are Christians and do not know God. Or we could say, God does not know them. Remember, the Scripture says, “I prophesied in your name, cast out devils.” God’s reply was, “I never knew you.” I know the Bible says that God knows all things, but the “knowing” that He is talking about is the personal relationship with Jesus Christ, which only comes by being married unto Him. The same word “knowing” is used when it says, Joseph did not know Mary until after Jesus was born. This is all speaking about the marriage relationship. There are some preachers that are preaching the Word, but their seed is dead because of unbelief, false doctrine, or iniquities in their life. Then there are others that sit under true men of God and you don’t see the fruit of the spirit in their life, that would be like an unfruitful womb. Remember, Jesus said that you must be born again to inherit the kingdom of God.
Another Scripture to consider is, “Ye that endure to the end shall be saved.” So, I would have to say that no matter what kind of fruit you may see today, it’s not telling us the end of the matter.
If we would ponder, for just a moment, and think of all the many people we have witnessed over the years that appeared to have salvation and be on fire for God, and then they go back into the world. The Word says that when they go back it was made manifest that they are not of us; which means they were never born again. Some would say, “Oh no, they just backslid.” But Jesus said that He never lost a one. There are so many things to consider. I have witnessed people that live like the devil himself, and will stand face to face with you and tell you that they are born again. That is not faith!
James said, “I will show you my faith by my works.” You are born again by faith. We know that without faith you can not know God nor see Him. So, if you have faith, then you will have works of salvation. I know that we are saved by faith through grace and not by works. That doesn’t mean that there are no works. Faith produces works. You can have works without faith, but you can not have faith without works. Some of our religions of this day and hour offer a salvation with no change of life style; that is gross error. When we simply think of the word “salvation” it means that you have been saved from something. The Bible teaches us that we must come out of the world. We are saved out of the world; not in the world. When we receive the infilling of God’s Spirit, we receive power. You might say, “Power for what?” Power to come out of the world and be a separate people. We need to quit trying to change the Bible to fit our life style, but change our life style to fit the Bible. When we read the Bible, we find that Jesus made disciples. The term ‘discipline’ comes from the word ‘disciple’. Salvation is a life of a soldier. It is a continual warfare, warring against principalities and the powers of darkness. Satan is like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. The Word of God teaches us to put on the full armor of God. Many professing Christians are so lukewarm that they do not have the armor on, and they don’t understand spiritual warfare. Many times they are not a threat to Satan’s kingdom, so they’re not in a war. When you get on fire for God you will be a threat to Satan’s kingdom and he will move in against you.
Some have never experienced that. Some think because they are a member of a church or because they’ve said some prayer that they are saved. But let me remind you, it is he that endureth to the end that is saved. If we are enduring to the end, we are fighting against the enemy and the wiles of the devil. The Bible teaches us that there is a travail in child bearing. When we speak of being born again, that means that there is a travail in bringing forth the fruit of Christ in our life. Just as a mother bringing forth a child, you are the bride of Christ and you have to bring forth a child, or you will have no inheritance. Paul made the statement, “I travail until Christ be formed in you.” The Bible also teaches that we must press our way into the kingdom of God. It also says, “Examine yourself and see if you be in the faith.” Religion in this day and hour offers a salvation with no travail, no sacrifice. The Bible says that you must die that He can live. So often times, people want to have their life and eternal life as well. But you must lose your life to have His.
Again, the Word of God teaches us that if you try to save your life, you will lose it. We need to get away from ideology (the study of your own ideas). It’s not your ideas or the way you think it is. It is the way the Word says it is! Let’s get into the Word of God, His Word is spirit and truth, and the truth of that Word will set you free. Are you in question about your salvation? How do you know you’re born again? Let’s look to the Bible for our example. Jesus found disciples and led them. Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” I would say find a good church that teaches good sound doctrine with a man of God that is walking in the Spirit. Honestly, they are getting hard to find, but pray and God will lead you. He won’t let you be deceived. If you are sincere, He will lead you and guide you into all truth. We need to have fellowship to endure to the end. The Bible says, “You know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren.” It also teaches us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, because we know that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. We need a church and a brotherhood. Think of a soldier in the military out in a foreign country by himself: he is not strong, but when he is walking within the ranks, there is strength. One can set a thousand to flight and two can set ten thousand to flight. So, when we think of this world, it is Satan’s. He is the prince and the power of the air. We need to know that we need to be in God’s army. Find a rank and position, your place in God’s kingdom and stand.
I know that we are talking about being born again and this may sound like it is off the subject matter, but if you remember in the book of Revelation, it it talks about when the woman was in travail to bring forth the man child that the red dragon was waiting there to devour the child. The point I am trying to make is as soon as you are born again the red dragon (Satan) is there to devour you. That puts us all that are born again into a spiritual warfare. This is the travail to bring forth Christ in our lives. I hope and pray that this short message will help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to examine yourself and see if you be in the faith.
God bless, Pastor Rob Coones
Additional teachings on this subject from Pastor Rob Coones are available. For more information, please contact us.