“Christmas Unwrapped” was a drama performance directed by Sister Kim. Weekly rehearsals started in late August, and continued until the day of the performance. The opening scene of the program depicted the day after Christmas in a department store. The store employees were preparing for the rush of discontented shoppers and gift recipients who were lined up outside the store to return their gifts. The context of the program was to teach that satisfaction whether emotional or spiritual will not be found in materialism, people, nor a holiday. The department store owners (self-proclaimed veterans of the Christmas chaos) found the true meaning of Christmas wasn’t in the wrapped packages nor commercialism, but in the reality of knowing the baby Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.
During the course of many months in preparation for show night, the youth group had hands-on experience in directing, building and set design under the tutelage of Bro. Jeff. The message of Christmas true meaning rang out loud and clear, closing with the salvation message. The true gift of eternal life was given freely – it’s the gift has no price tag and has never been returned by an unsatisfied customer!