From the Pastor’s Pen


“Time is only the medium in which the invisible God may reveal himself, life passing through the veil just like any seed to bring forth life.” – Brother Kenny Smith

“The carnal mind (mind of man) puffs up, but the mind of Christ (spiritual mind) catches up.” – Pastor Rob Coones

“You don’t know who you are because you don’t know who others are.” – Pastor Rob Coones

“Jesus came and died, that we may live, and now we must die that He may live.” – Brother Wayne Young (Scriptural Reference: Galatians 2:20)

“If you want to accomplish something that rarely a man has accomplished, then conquer the carnal mind and put the body under subjection.” – Brother Rob Coones (Scriptural Reference: Romans 8:7)

“Righteous indignation never justifies fleshly animosity.” – Brother Rob Coones (Scriptural Reference: Ephesians 4:26)