Destroyed From Within
The Bible teaches that through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. In many cases, you will see the natural world running in one dimension, the physical world running in another dimension, and the spiritual realm running in yet another dimension. If you were to study these dimensions, you would see just how much they parallel. As an example, the Bible calls the body the earthen vessel, and it has many parallels to the earth. You plant a seed in the earth and it reproduces after its kind (plant life, trees, etc.). A husband plants a seed in the earthen vessel (his wife), and she reproduces after his kind (blood life).
Now, let's go on with my thoughts: A man, as a rule, isn't destroyed by the things from the outside world. It is usually from within. The things that destroy a man are hate, bitterness, selfishness, envy, and strife. I could go on. Even if a man is all alone, he can still be in torment. A man who thinks on the things of God, the things from above, the things that are righteous and virtuous, will have peace, joy, self-control, love, and kindness.
So often, man is looking outward and making his wife or his neighbor or his boss or others his enemy. He thinks these are the ones trying to destroy him. It's not that way! We have control over our spirit. It is the things from within. Jesus said it isn't that which a man puts into him that defiles him, but the things which come out. Jesus spoke this to the Pharisees when they found fault with the disciples because they didn't wash their hands. So, we see that to walk in victory, we have to have things on the inside right. We have to have control over our thoughts. The Bible says that He will give us the fruit of our thoughts. Many people walk far below their privileges because their thoughts are not right.
The Bible teaches us about the seven churches (sometimes we refer to them as the seven church ages), and the final church is the church of Laodicea. According to Strong's Greek concordance, Laodicea is a combination of two words: 'laos', which it defined as "people", and 'dike', which is defined by Strong's as "right", "judgment", "punish", and "vengeance". One interpretation of Laodicea is therefore "people's rights." I'm going to parallel what is going on in this country to the way that I watch men defile themselves, and those who are destroyed from within. Here in America, we look overseas, into other lands and other peoples, and we think that they are our problem, and while we have men fighting on foreign soil, we are being destroyed from within. Everybody wants their rights. We gave the right to women to murder and kill little babies. We gave the power or the right to a few ungodly people to remove prayer out of our schools. The Bible teaches us not to call evil good, and yet, we let the sodomites, homosexuals and perverts have their way by allowing them to change the name of their filthy sin to "gay". There's not a chance that they're "gay" or "happy" when they're full of filth and sin. If this offends you, it might be because you, too, are eaten up on the inside. Yes, you might want to call this a hate crime, but the crime is that we, as Americans, are supposed to be a Christian country. We have shut our mouths and we are being destroyed by the carnal and secular mind.
I listen to the news media as they pervert the news and the minds of the American people. This is another thing that is destroying our nation from within. You want to give the Muslims their rights? Just watch them as they defile your government with their filth. America, wake up! Can't you see what you are doing? Do you think that your president could sit under a preacher for fifteen years, who did nothing but spew hate for America and the white man, and he not feel the same way? The Bible says two can't walk together lest they be in agreement. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sexual perversion. He talks about it in the New Testament book of Romans in the first chapter. Don't let the filth and the ideology of the antichrist that has taken over the White House and our government destroy you from within. The Bible says, "Meddle not with them that are given to change." We don't need the change that this present administration is bringing in! The Bible teaches us not to remove the old paths. Let's turn back to virtue, righteousness, and holiness. This letter isn't intended to be political. I'm just pointing out what is destroying our nation. The political powers that are supposed to be strengthening our nation are destroying it from within. Don't conform to their ideology. Turn to the Word of God!
Parents, wake up! Look at the curriculum that the public school systems are pumping down your kid's throats! Quit putting money away for college and put some into private schooling now. Save their little minds from the filth. The schools allow homosexuals and lesbians to teach your children. Get them out of there before they lose their souls! Be careful where you send them. Many of the private and religious schools are perverted, too.
If you go to a church that ordains homosexuals and perverts, then run and run fast, because your pastor is the antichrist. Wake up before it's too late. If you think that sodomy is an alternate lifestyle and a choice, or if you are ignorant enough to think God made them that way, all I can say is God have mercy on your wretched soul. You can plan on one thing, and that is the lake of fire. Repent! Come out of the world, be a separate people.
Obama became a president because God put him there. God gave America a king after their own hearts like He said He would do in His Word. America, repent so God can heal your land. Please consider and turn away from sin. Don't be conformed to the mind of the news media. It doesn't look good for the great nation of America, but you can come out of her and be a child of God and bypass the judgment that is coming to America.
May God have mercy. God bless.
Pastor Rob Coones
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3844 Mount Gilead Church Road
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