Following the leading of the Lord, Christian Temple founded a satellite church near Manila, Philippines in 2003. In late summer of 2004, the Lord opened up an opportunity for Brother Rob, Sister Irene, and Brother Troy to make an evangelistic trip to the Philippines, to mark the one year anniversary of the satellite church. Brother Rob was greeted with open arms by members of Christian Temple of the Philippines church, as well as other local ministries. While in Manila, Brother Rob took the opportunity to minister in open air meetings with hundreds attending for several consecutive morning and night services. The Spirit of the Lord touched many lives over the course of the crusades" however, God seemed to have a special message and anointing for the local ministers in Manila. A minister’s banquet was hosted by Christian Temple, and it was during this time that the Lord was able to exhort the spiritual leaders of the islands into living a sold out life of holiness unto the Lord. The ministry of Christian Temple in North Carolina continues to pray for the lives that were touched while in the Philippines, and hopes to return to the islands, as the Lord leads.