Brother Rob uses a board to teach dimensional projections to Pastors and Ministers during the three day seminar.
Brother Rob took several hours to answer questions that were generated over the course of the seminar.
This brother made himself readily available to the work of the Lord by interpreting the Sunday morning sermon at The Prayer Palace in Kenya.
The brothers and sisters gathered for church at The Prayer Palace.
Several people came into the altar for a touch from God.
The children of Africa have a special place in our hearts.
Benevolent provisions were multiplied as the people of the village started lining up for basic staples.
This picture is showing the lines of people who came for food after Sunday morning service. The village people lined up for a free hot lunch of meat and rice. The lunch was prepared by the sisters of Pastor Jean-Claude Mikoka’s church called The Prayer Palace.
Brother Evans (in the foreground) worked with the children (to the right) of Prayer Palace Centre Church honoring us with ethnic song and dance.
The children of Brother Mikoka’s church sang and danced, as unto the Lord, during a church service.
The ministers and people’s eagerness to learn and hear more of the Word of God was apparent as they chose literature and audio sermons from the resource table.
Sister Stephanie Beachy poses with her new friends and sisters in the Lord.
Sister Irene Coones and Sister Stephanie Beachy pose with Sister Laurieanne who was one of the song leaders during the Pastor’s seminar. Sister Laurianne proved to be a vital asset during the worship services.
Brother Rob continued ministering to lost souls- even after the church services were over. We continue to receive letters asking for prayer from ministers and laypeople from Nairobi, Kenya and abroad.
This photograph was taken during a visit to one of the refugee camps. Sister Irene has always desired to open an orphanage and found her heart ministered to as she greeted children with candy and hugs.