Father, as I stand before You in an unworthy fleshly body, a mortal man, Lord God, I stand before You with a profession of Your works and Your labors.
I don’t stand here in a worthy way because I’m a preacher or because I said some prayer, Lord God. I stand here before You only by one thing, and one thing only, by the mercy and grace of my Lord and Savior.
Father, as we partake this morning of this blood and this flesh, this day, Father, we partake it knowing that You have washed us, cleansed us, and regenerated us, Lord God, and took the sin and put it as far as the east is from the west.
It was by Your labors and by Your works, Father, and by Your faith, that You gave us a measure of faith that we could believe in Your labors and that Your works, Lord God, are worthy, and You are the only worthy one.
Lord God, let us, in remembrance this day, take these things, and let us do it with a repentant heart.
Lord God, You forgave me when I was in my sin and the depths of the mire of the pig pen, Lord God. You loved me and You pulled me out.
Father, let us have a love for the brethren, Lord God, knowing that we have a need one for another, that we have passed from death unto life because of the love we have for each other.
Lord, I know that You died for these men and women standing here, and You declared them to be bone of Your bone and flesh of Your flesh.
When I hate them, I hate You, Lord God. Father. I want no hate in my heart against my brethren.
Father, as we take this morning, we are praying that my natural mouth will be shut, and only the bowels of mercy and compassion of You could come forth. We do this in the wonderful name of Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.