Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. – I Thes. 4:17
Every year we have several guest vocalists that are prompted by the Lord to deliver a timely message through the ministry of music.
Bro. George Pike III shares a song that he wrote by anointed inspiration of the Lord.
Many ministers travel hundreds of miles to be with Christian Temple during our annual camp meeting. Brother Willy Wright of Kentucky ministered in both word and song.
Pastor Rob Coones edifies the church during opening prayer to seek the Lord, and ask him for open hearts and ears to receive the word of life being brought forth through the ministering.
The children are always an active part of the services during camp meeting and throughout the year. The children sang several songs over the course of Camp Meeting 2008, directed by Sis. Cruz.
Many come to the altar during camp meeting. Whether their seeking salvation, healing, wisdom or a special touch, the Lord is ever faithful to meet them at their need.
This year, the last service of camp meeting was a testimonial service, allowing the different visitors to speak about what the Lord is doing in their lives, home churches and hearts. It’s always thrilling to hear the testimonies of the brethren around the nation and the world.
Altar service is often times a time of healing, not only physical complications but restoring hearts, relationships and many times- unity among the brethren.
Each year during camp meeting we have a Family Day. This year we chose to teach the children about living in Galilee during the time of Jesus’ ministry. The children learned about Jewish customs and every day life in and around Galilee.
Many of the children come dressed in Biblical costumes during Family Day. This child was one of the helpers for the Farmers Market.
Adults and children alike enjoy the Farmer’s Market, hosted by Christian Temple’s Sunday School teacher, Sister Luffman. At her table visitors were able to sample foods native to the holy land.
The children enjoyed making crafts, and hearing stories about life in Galilee while visiting the “Galilee Toy Shop”.
During camp meeting the children’s services are conducted downstairs. In this photograph the children are wearing glasses that were used to teach the children the scripture, “Though they have eyes they see not.” The glasses cause rainbows and sparkles to appear whenever you look at light.
A “synagogue” was set up during Family Day to teach the children about the temples and synagogues that Jesus would have visited during His childhood and ministry.